How to Build a Budget

In order to keep your finances in check it is important to set up a monthly expense report for yourself. When you are building your budget, it is important to include the following details:

  • Your monthly income
  • Your fixed expenses
  • Your variable expenses

Once you total your expenses and subtract them from your total monthly income, you will have an idea of where you stand financially each month. Prioritize your expenses, be realistic, and don’t forget to set aside some funds for your savings whenever possible. These savings may help you fund unexpected expenses such as car or home repairs or other unpredicted events. The more you prepare and organize your monthly expenditures, the better position you will be in financially.

Monthly Income
Total Income:
Monthly Expenses (Fixed)
Mortgage or Rent: Alimony: Property Tax: Hydro: Home Fuel:
Water: Groceries: Condo Fees: Car Loan or Lease: Child Support:
Monthly Expenses (Variable)
Auto Fuel: Parking: Transit or Taxi: Home Phone: Cellular:
Internet: Television: Property Insur: Auto Insur: Life LTD Insur:
Childcare: Gov Taxes: Student Loan: Fines: Home Repair:
Clothing: Toiletries: Laundry: Routine Medical: Debts Not Stayed:
Prescriptions: Work Related: Car Repairs: Alcohol: Cigarettes:
Dining Out: Movie Rentals: Subscriptions: Recreation: Hobbies:
Personal 1: Personal 2: Personal 3: Personal 4: Personal 5:
Surplus or Deficit:
Monthly Income
Total Income:
Monthly Expenses (Fixed)
Mortgage or Rent: Alimony:
Property Tax: Hydro:
Home Fuel: Water:
Groceries: Condo Fees:
Car Loan or Lease: Child Support:
Monthly Expenses (Variable)
Auto Fuel: Parking:
Transit or Taxi: Home Phone:
Cellular: Internet:
Television: Property Insur:
Auto Insur: Life LTD Insur:
Childcare: Gov Taxes:
Student Loan: Fines:
Home Repair: Clothing:
Toiletries: Laundry:
Routine Medical: Debts Not Stayed:
Work Related: Prescriptions:
Car Repairs: Alcohol:
Cigarettes: Dining Out:
Movie Rentals: Subscriptions:
Recreation: Hobbies:
Personal 1: Personal 2:
Personal 3: Personal 4:
Personal 5:
Surplus or Deficit:
