Debt Happens. Get over it.

Debt happens. Let’s face it; everyone in this strong and free country of ours has at one point faced the task of paying off some kind of debt. Whether the debt comes from a mortgage, loan or credit card...

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Why Students can Fail with Credit Cards

It’s very common for first year university students to be baited with a credit card by a credit card company within the first week of classes. The security of having an emergency fund to tap into sounds like a...

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Debt Blog Collection

To keep you informed with the most recent and impacting news regarding personal finance and debt management, we have composted a list of must-read blogs from OCCA Consumer Debt Relief. How do you know if you’re on Debt Row? Are you...

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Debt is up but Delinquency is Down

Canadian consumer debt is up but according to a recent report delinquency on unsecured debt is down to its lowest level in 6 years. Data from the credit monitoring firm Equifax shows Canadian consumers owe $1.44 trillion in the second...

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