Lose job OCCA-resized-600.jpeg

You’ve just lost your job.  Your initial reactions may be shock, embarrassment and fear.  You may experience these feelings for a little while, and this is completely acceptable.  After a little while, hope and excitement for a new career should replace those feelings of loss.  Now is the time to take action to snag that new job!

So how do you do this?

  1. Set up a new email address for yourself, if you did not already have one.  Send a mass email to all of your contacts informing them of how they can now reach you.  This is the first step to your fresh start.
  2. Take a look at your resume.  Does it need a facelift?  There are professional resume companies that will help you update your experience and the overall “impression” of your resume.  This comes with a price, but it may be worth it depending on where you want your resume to take you.
  3. Start networking!  Contact family, friends and past co-workers to let them know you are job hunting.  Advise them of your skill set and what you’re looking for in terms of employment.  Use the reach of social media, like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to promote yourself.  More people find employment through social media these days than working with one or two head hunting firms.
  4. Set up a LinkedIn Account.   Upload a professional picture of yourself and build your profile.  Make numerous connections and join professional groups to build on these connections.  Remember, these days the emphasis is shifting from WHAT you know to WHO you know.
  5.  Don’t burn your bridges.  Bad mouthing your previous employer may work against you.  You never know who knows your old boss, and you don’t want to appear negative to any potential employers.
  6. Keep a healthy lifestyle.  You want to perform your best at all times in order to get that dream job.  Eat right and exercise to keep your strength and positivity on a high note.
  7. Consider Employment Insurance to keep you financially in control.   There are certain qualifications required for unemployment benefits.  It is best to research the application process of employment insurance by visiting the following website:www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/ei/application/applying_for_benefits.shtml
  8. Consider your current debt load.  Without an income it will be increasingly difficult to find the money to pay your current bills.  You may want to assess your finances and cut out certain “nice to have’s” like entertainment, trips and other non-necessary perks.  Devise a budget with the emphasis on securing the roof over your head and food on your table.  If you need help creating your budget there is credit counseling firms that can offer assistance.  If you find you are struggling financially, you can contact a debt relief firm to resolve any debt.  There is already enough stress involved with job hunting without adding more from debt trouble.

Remember, there is no certainty in life, especially with employment security.  Take what you have learned from your experience and build from it.  Endorse yourself and stay focused.  With proactively, diligence and a little luck you will find another job.

For more information about how to resolve your debt after a job loss, call OCCA Consumer Debt Relief toll free 1-866-873-6222 or visit www.occa.ca.  We can help..


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