groceriesThere are ways to pick the freshest produce and find the best deals in any grocery store. You just have to know how to do it. We are going to share this little secret with you.

Shopping Strategy

Shopping with coupons and checking your local weekly flyers for deals just makes sense if you want to save money. Make sure shop closest to the day the deals start so you have first pick. Most stores restock on Mondays so perhaps you can go after work that day. Missing the weekend crowd is an added bonus.

Picking the Product

You’ve seen people picking up produce, analyzing it and smelling it. They’re searching for the perfect produce. Check for colour, firmness and any bruising or tears. Try to avoid fruit that is not ripe or too ripe. You want your fruit to last the week until you shop again. Keep your bananas out of the fridge to avoid the skin to darken. Don’t forget, you can freeze bananas for smoothies and baking. Just peel them and store them in a freezer bag.

Shop by Season

You’ll pay a lot more for any berries in the winter season. Why not save your money and buy seasonal produce? During these winter months, focus on root vegetables like parsnips and turnips. They are great sources of fibre and vitamin C. Brussel sprouts are in peak season from fall to mid-winter. They’re an especially good source of vitamin C, fiber and antioxidants, which are known to have many health benefits. Dark leafy greens, like swiss chard and kale are also a cost-friendly choice of produce that are very healthy for you. Oranges and pomegranates are both in season so bulk up on these.

Beans are Beneficial

If you’re looking for a good source of fiber and protein, look no further than the bean. Dried or canned, you can’t go wrong with adding beans to any meal. Chickpeas and lentils can make for hearty and healthy soups.

For more on shopping and saving, check our blog for valuable articles!


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